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Welcoming our Baby Walnuts!

A child’s first ever day of school is always a special moment for parents. They greet the day with mixed feelings. The child is fast growing up and moving beyond the comforts of a home’s four walls. We saw many apprehensive parents walk up to enroll their children in the Walnut school, and we were happy to see them walk away with a smile, having secured admission.

On the 7th of June, 2016 the Walnut School opened its gates to welcome its youngest and newest members – the children of Nursery. Our teachers were prepared for all the tears and tribulations that come as part of a child’s first day of school. But little did our teachers know, that they were in for a surprise!

DSC00830 Dressed up in our bright and cheerful uniforms, our tiny tots of Nursery came armed with a smile. Out of the entire lot, just about three to four children were seen crying and that too, for just a few minutes! We were surprised to see the children comforting each other in their unique style. It gives us a great sense of achievement to know our students feel secure and cared for, within the school campus. The way the Nursery students moved about in the school building assured us that they were completely ‘at home’ already!

DSC00827On the 9th of June, 2016 our Junior KG and Senior KG students joined us. For some children, they were returning to a familiar and much loved campus. For few others, it was a completely new experience. But our old students did us proud. They convinced the newly admitted students that this school had room only for their smiles. Tears were simply not allowed in the school campus!

The first week of school did have its share of hiccups, but those were only to be expected. All our KG students have settled in and they have started with their academics.

From the moment the children were enrolled, our responsibility toward them began. We now share all the apprehension toward a child’s well-being. We understand the upheaval of emotions each parent goes through while sending a child to school for the first time ever. And yet, we are also honoured that you chose us, to share your precious children with!

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