What makes Walnut School stand apart from other schools is how we make the schooling experience “fun” for the students. By doing a whole variety and quantity of activities, we keep the students engaged and looking forward to the “next fun” activity. A true power of our learning system , ALL our students LOVE to come to school every single day (yes, even our older students!).
Slumber parties

This is perhaps the most awaited event of the year for the students. Students from Std. 5 to 10, pack their coziest pajamas and come to school for a fantastic sleepover party. It’s a night of games, performances, a delicious dinner and lots of chit – chat in their very own school campus.
They bring along cards and their favourite board games. They stay up all night long – chit chatting, chilling or just hanging out!
Entrepreneurship Fair (Std. 4 to Std. 9)
This is a super fun event where students will be setting up stalls in school, for food or games or services, along with some special attractions designed to brighten up your mornings. This event gives them a chance to design offers, marketing strategies and branding. This is the start of being an entrepreneur!
Students are grouped into different categories (goods or services) as per the standard they are in. They have to try and promote their stall and make as much sale and profit as possible.
- Goods can be food or items like books / art and craft works either made by self or someone else, painted flower pots, plants, soaps, dreamcatchers, bookmarks, etc.
- Services can be experiences like a short lesson on something, like yoga, craft, photography, etc. or providing a service like nail art, tattoos, facials, massages, etc. It may also include gaming experiences where games created by the students in SCRATCH can be played by the audience. Students may also put up performances like magic tricks that can easily be displayed or done using a table.
Every group is given the mic to make announcements for 30 seconds each, 3 times during the entire event. In case the students create jingles as part of their branding and marketing strategies, these jingles have to be performed live. No pre-recorded jingles are allowed. The volume of the mic will be turned off after 30 seconds, so all jingles or announcements must fit within this time limit.
Students can also try to support a social cause through this effort – either sell something offered by a disadvantaged group or donate their profits there. There is special recognition for these students from the school. They also get a Principal’s Pride award.

- Student groups are provided with one table per group. Bringing a tablecloth to cover the table is mandatory. Using a table without tablecloth is not allowed.
- No one should put up posters on the wall. Damage prices will have to be paid if anyone does so. Students can have free standing posters or ones that will be attached to the table cloth.
- Parents will NOT be allowed to help the students once the Entrepreneurship Fair starts.
Points to consider for parents
- As this is a group project, the students will be interacting a lot with each other. Many times, this leads to a lot of arguments. Parents can be the referee, but are encouraged don’t jump in and become a participant. That changes it from a fight between kids to one between adults!
- Even on the day of the fair, things may not turn out the way the students are anticipating. This is an opportunity for them to adapt, adjust and take problems in their stride. This is an important part of the learning process. Be their coach and guide. Do not take over for them. Let them actually do the heavy lifting – literally as well as figuratively.