Projects / Homework
Projects / Homework
Walnut School offers the best experience for students as well as parents. How is it great for the parents? Well – here are the top reasons why parents love Walnut School.
No tedious projects for parents
At Walnut School, children don’t have to do projects at home, unlike other schools where parents have to work on them for their kids. Here, students engage in hands-on activities in school, with all the materials provided for them by the school itself. They participate in a range of events, resulting in meaningful learning. Parents get to enjoy the results without having to stay up all night completing the projects.
No complicated homework that parents have to figure out
At Walnut School, students get age appropriate and meaningful homework that gradually increases with age. Homework is not compulsory for students from Nursery to Grade 5, and they can earn rewards in the form of Walnut Talents for completing it regularly and thoroughly. From Grade 6 onwards, homework is sensible and does not require parental involvement, with regular feedback provided to parents on the quantity and quality of assignments turned in!
No running around to purchase random things
At Walnut School, the kids do a lot of hands-on activities and the school takes care of the logistics and the material. Parents do not have to go running around to buy things for art and craft or science projects. The kids do these things in the school and the material is provided in the school itself. What do parents do? Parents get to enjoy seeing their kids do all these amazing things!
Multiple skills developed
Doing well requires much more than rote learning. As covid has shown us it is not just survival of the fittest you also need to be fast. You need to be able to adapt quickly, assess the situation, take a decision and move ahead. With the multitude of activities that we invest time in, these skills develop well at an early age.
No different uniforms for different days of the week
Walnut School has one comfortable uniform (for both boys and girls!), eliminating the need for parents to remember specific days for sports uniform, regular uniform, blazers, etc.
No daily ironing and uniform management
The Walnut School uniform is made of a wash and wear material that does not require ironing every day. It is designed to be comfortable and suitable for the tropical weather, allowing students to stay active all day.
Academic Support & Communication
Academic Support & Communication
Feedback and information about the child regularly and easily accessible
How would parents come to know what their child does in school everyday? Very young kids like to tell their parents everything but may not be able to cover all the bases. As kids grow into the tween and teen years, they can share but don’t always want to! Walnut School solves this problem by sending parents numerous updates about different aspects of their child’s routine.
We ensure that parents are well informed about their child’s academic progress, with weekly updates on what has happened in the school week, including details of the student’s performance in different tests. Parents also have the opportunity to speak with each core subject teacher at least once each quarter, which keeps them in the loop about their child’s progress.
All of this information comes to every parent automatically – without any special process or requests. There are easy communication channels to set up additional meetings/discussions if needed. Our email response time is very good too!
Everything as per the very meticulous plan!
At Walnut School, planning and punctuality are fundamental to all operations, ensuring that the academic work is on track and there is no last-minute rush to complete portions. Students undergo continuous evaluations and quarterly summative tests, which are conducted in an organized and planned way.
The testing is done in various formats, including objective, hands-on, oral, and descriptive, with a lot of practice tests and intermediate revision days to help students prepare. The school provides a week’s gap before the summative assessment to allow students to switch over mentally from learning to testing mode, and work on their weaknesses. This makes the final exam less stressful for both the students and well as their parents.
One stop, one window operation
Parents do not have to keep coming to the school or go to different locations to get the start-of-the-year material together. Walnut School plans things in such a way that everything is available at one time in one place for the convenience of parents – be it uniforms, study material or meeting the bus operator, etc.
No sudden “fee” shock
All fees and charges are announced at the beginning of the year. The fee plan up to Std 10 is shared with the parents right at the beginning. You can find all of this under the branches section of the website. The school is very transparent and sincere in its functioning.
No hidden charges
Walnut School does not keep asking parents to keep paying for participation in school events like the sports day, carnival, etc. over the year. There are no hidden costs that come up as a surprise during the school year.
Excellent parent-school relationship
At Walnut School, parents and the school work together to ensure the betterment of the child. The school maintains a good rapport with all parents. Even if there is a problem, the parents are taken into confidence to work together to fix it. The school and parents are one team, and the goal is to improve and correct behavior rather than just punish or shout at a child. The school strives to work together with parents to provide the best education for their children. We have an excellent rapport with all our parents.
This is one of the many advantages of Walnut School.