


Walnut School

At Walnut, Students Learn As Much Outside The Classroom As They Learn Inside It.

We have numerous competitions and events where the children develop qualities which cannot be taught theoretically inside a classroom. Each event or competition develops qualities and skills such as presentation, systematic approach, confidence, finesse, entrepreneurship, thinking, analysis, problem-solving and risk taking.

We start developing these qualities right from kindergarten itself. Participating in events and competitions gives students of Walnut School a real feel to develop and sharpen these qualities. Moreover, students also learn how to enjoy and have fun with each other and develop healthy relations with their teachers and other staff. It’s a good, balanced way of growing up!

We have one major event every quarter along with many minor events. Students are always looking forward to the major event, and the excitement makes them look forward to coming to school every day!

Oh, and how do we get time to have so many events? You know the answer – planning! The Walnut Learning System enables us to squeeze out time to plan and conduct all our events and activities.

Sports Competitions

Govt. Scholarship

Govt. Drawing Exams

Programming competitions