At Walnut School, the whole year, each quarter, each week, every day and every activity or period goes as per a well thought-out plan. There are no “random” decisions which are taken based on whims. There always is some thought-process which has gone behind implementation of any feature at Walnut School.
This system driven approach has many advantages
- Keeps things balanced for a student on a daily basis as well for the quarter and year.
Consistency and quality can be maintained in execution - Training and onboarding process becomes streamlined for faculty, students and parents
- The system is always improving with feedback and updates
- Staff attrition does not affect students much, as the system does not change
- The teachers get all the blackboard presentations in digital format. So they are always facing the students and not stuck to the front of the class. They have better access to the entire class (as there are no school bags) so a last bencher is under their eagle eye, just like a first bencher!
- Students keep getting constant feedback and have to stay alert through the class as the teacher is able to pay more attention to them. Learning outcomes improve.
This system has many components and together they bring in the uniqueness of Walnut School. It’s a lot of work at the back end, with a whole separate team to do the planning, software development, database management, research, content development, communication etc. But that is what finally brings a hassle-free experience for the parents and the students. We take on that load so that the kids and parents don’t have to!
The learning system at Walnut has many components for teachers, students and for you.
- The curriculum map, which has details of what is going to be taught in each class and the overview of the period
- The worksheets, presentations, CW, HW
- Additional physical material that may be required for certain activities
- The textbooks, worksheets, digital learning aids, physical material for activities
- Folders to carry a few worksheets
- Files to arrange worksheets and “build” a notebook
- Revision material and multiple choice question tests on the Walmiki app
- A daily update on the Wal-Sh app about what was done in the class
- A digital copy of the presentation used by the teacher to teach
- A digital copy of the worksheet that the students are working on
- Information about the classwork and homework for that period
- Access to the Walmiki app where they can see performance of the student in revisions and tests of multiple choice questions.