Interesting Subjects

Doing well requires much more than rote learning. It is not just survival of the fittest – you also need to be fast. You need to be able to adapt quickly, assess the situation, make a decision and move ahead. With the multitude of activities that Walnut students engage in throughout the week, these skills develop at an early age.
Information Transfer
Analyzing and processing information is an essential skill for children, but it is often neglected in formal education. This classroom teaches students how to make sense of information, distinguish important points and convert data into useful visual aids.
Click here to read more.
Hands On
Walnut students learn and understand new concepts through classroom learning as well as through practical hands-on activities. They have a dedicated period for these activities that involve math and science experiments and are designed in such a way that the students are introduced to new concepts in a fun and stress free setting.
Click here to read more about the hand-on activity period at Walnut school.
General Knowledge
Walnut School offers its students a comprehensive education with a strong emphasis on general knowledge skills, in addition to traditional academic subjects. The school’s dedicated subject covers everyday objects and complex topics to help students develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. Through this subject, students gain the knowledge and tools necessary to become informed and engaged members of society.
Find out more here.
Mental Math
In this classroom, our dedicated teachers specialize in teaching this essential skill, enabling students to perform calculations without the need for paper, pencils, or calculators. They gain a solid understanding and confidence in their mathematical abilities through revisiting and reinforcing concepts. New concepts are gently introduced in this class ensuring a seamlessly transition to new material.
Mastering multiplication tables serves as a crucial foundation for a range of arithmetic topics, greatly improving students’ problem-solving abilities. From Grade 1 to Grade 5, we prioritize the comprehensive understanding of multiplication tables. By doing so, we not only enhance problem-solving skills but also equip students with the necessary preparation for diverse arithmetic concepts.
Our students always have a proper, separate area to eat. They do not eat in the classroom. In their recess break, they get to relax and unwind in a different environment.
Since they are not eating in their class the additional benefit is that the classroom does not get messy with food spills and does not smell. They also wash their hands before and after eating.
There are racks in this area. These are for students to keep their tiffins. Each student has a fixed place on the racks, with their name and details written there. They put their tiffins here when they come in the morning, access them during recess and collect them on their way home. So they just walk around all day with a folder – that’s it. Hands free all day long.
We at Walnut believe that developing good communication skills is an important life skill, and our students get a good head start through our dedicated Speaking Class. This class helps our students build essential communication skills by challenging them to think fast and express themselves fluently in English.
To know more about the activities that take place in this class, click here
Language Arts
This is a special subject to help further develop English skills for Std 1 and Std. 2. In Language Arts the students create original works – just like an artist – but by using just their skills in the English language. They develop their own story and at the end of the year, parents have a published book to read that their child has written.
You can read more about this here.
Strategic Thinking
Strategic thinking is a vital skill for achieving goals, requiring skills like quick thinking, risk-taking, and teamwork. Walnut School prioritizes this skill by dedicating a specific period for strategic thinking activities, like playing specially-created board games, puzzles, and card games. These activities are integrated into the curriculum to help students develop this crucial skill.
How does this work? Click here to find out.
Economics and Financial Literacy
Walnut School offers a unique approach to education that prepares students for the real world. Financial literacy is a crucial aspect of being a responsible and independent adult, which is why Walnut starts teaching economics and financial concepts as early as Std. 3 and 4.
Want to know more? Click here.
At Walnut School, special periods are dedicated to reading in the timetable all the way up to Std. 4. This helps in developing the reading skills of the children in the early years, minimizing the need for tuition classes for English reading and understanding as they grow older. Our Sr KG kids read almost at Std 2 level.
Click here to read more about our reading program.
Computational Thinking
We also teach computational thinking here – which are the foundational skills of computer science. We teach concepts such as discrete modelling, algorithms and programming. Whether the kids pursue this field when they grow up or not but they definitely need this way of thinking for anything they do later!
Click here to know more.
Walnut students have access to a full fledged library with a huge variety of age appropriate books. They have a period each week where they get to handle many different kinds of books and get a chance to be totally surrounded by books, which otherwise just doesn’t happen! They can even borrow books to take home – if the parents’ wish.
Students right from Nursery up to Std 10 have this as a regular period in their timetable. We have a lot of events in the school and this is a good space to help them prepare for them. You can see huge mirrors on the wall. When they learn dance, the mirrors help the students see themselves in action and spot their own errors and improve.
Baby Walnut KG : 1 class / week
Std 1 to 4 : 2 classes / week
Std 5 to 10 : 1 class / week
Art is treated as another form of expression in Walnut. They don’t do just the typical drawings. We encourage the students to use mixed media, stencils and different techniques. The idea is to develop their sense of aesthetics, design and proportion in addition to drawing. They should also be able to express some ideas in a visual format which helps with other subjects in higher classes as well.
This is one of the many advantages of Walnut School.