Walmiki App
This is the e-learning app made for Walnut students. It’s not to be taken lightly! Quizzes which our students take are linked to their results 🙂 This means they have to be regular in using this app.
- Never miss a day of school! Or revise!
- High quality lectures
- Per class, per subject, per chapter based lectures help reinforce concepts
- Different types of quizzes:
- Practice quizzes:
- Huge question bank
- Randomly generated questions based on difficulty levels
- Per class, per subject, per period questions
- The more quizzes our students take, the smarter they become! Tough outside, and smart inside!
- Test Bytes:
- Automatically enabled when a teacher finishes teaching a chapter
- Test has to be taken at home
- Students can attempt this test only once
- Test has a weightage in the result too
- Practice quizzes:
- Flip cards with questions and answers
- For higher classes
- Students can revise concepts
Parents can ask questions and have access to answers