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‘Close –Up’ With a Bee!

Our Walnut student of Std. 6, Soham Joshi recently featured in the Maharashtra Times newspaper for his beautiful snap of a honeybee sucking pollen from a yellow flower, clicked by him in Coorg. Captioned ‘Runuzunu Runuzunu Re Bhramara’ (which means the buzzing of a bee in Marathi), Soham says he had to take many pictures of the bee before he could get the perfect shot. He has also clicked snails, flowers, spiders, grasshoppers and butterflies. Seeing his father’s photography, he was intrigued by how even the minutest details of an insect, like its hair, could be captured on camera.


To get the perfect click, Soham has to take care that it does not become blurred or out of focus or that the flash is not harsh or low. He has already been featured in the Sanctuary Asia magazine last year as young talent. Ever since he took up photography, he feels he has started to observe and appreciate the wonders of nature through his lens. Isn’t that inspiring?

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