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Benefits of No School Bag: How Walnut School is changing the way children learn

Did you know that your child can get a world-class education without burdening them with heavy school bags? 

Do you want them to learn better, enjoy more and grow smarter with a superbly planned learning system that connects teaching, writing, testing and feedback?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then read on…

In this post, we will show you how Walnut School Pune is changing the way children learn with its no school bag concept. We will also show you how this policy benefits your child’s physical and mental well-being.

But before we do that, let us tell you why school bags are a problem for your child and how they can affect their health, learning and happiness.

Problems with School Bags

School bags are a common sight in all schools across India (except at Walnut School!). They are often heavy, bulky and uncomfortable to carry around. But did you know that heavy school bags pose serious problems for students’ health, learning and happiness?

Here are some of the direct and indirect problems caused by carrying school bags:

  • Back and shoulder pain: Carrying a heavy school bag can put a lot of strain on students’  spine, muscles and joints. This can lead to chronic pain, stiffness and inflammation in the back and shoulders. It can also affect their posture, causing them to slouch or hunch over. 
Student with Back and shoulder pain
  • Extra material: Sometimes, students might have to carry additional material that does not fit into the school bag, such as chart papers, projects or sports equipment. This can add to the weight and inconvenience of carrying a school bag. It can also increase the risk of losing or damaging the material.
  • Posture problems: The posture problems caused by carrying a school bag can have long-term consequences for students’ health and appearance, which can be carried forward in their adult life too.
  • Classroom issues: Having school bags on the floor between rows of benches creates obstacles for the teacher. The teacher is not able to move freely inside the classroom, which affects their ability to monitor, guide and correct the students quickly. 
  • Delayed feedback: One of the key aspects of effective learning is getting timely feedback from the teacher. However, if the teacher cannot move around the classroom easily, students might not be able to check students’ work on the spot. This can delay the remedial action and hence learning from their mistakes.
  • Packing pressure: Packing a school bag every evening for the next day can be a stressful task for students. They might have to remember what books, notebooks and other material they need for each subject. Sometimes due to laziness or forgetfulness, students pack more than necessary or leave something important behind – leading to mental stress.
  • Mental health issues: All of these problems can take a toll on students’ mental health and well-being. They can cause students to feel anxious, depressed, frustrated or bored at school. They can also affect their self-esteem, confidence and motivation. They can even create traumatic memories that haunt them later in life.

How Walnut School solves all of the above problems and gives many more advantages

You might be wondering how Walnut School Pune can get rid of school bags without compromising on the quality of education?! The answer is simple: we have a superbly planned learning system that provides everything your child needs at the school itself.

Walnut School Pune with school bags

Here are some of the ways Walnut School Pune solves all of the above problems and gives many more advantages to our students:

  • No school bags mean all material required in the school is given in the school itself: Our students do not have to carry any books, notebooks or other material to the school. We provide them with everything they need for their learning, such as textbooks, worksheets, stationery, activity kits and more. They only have to bring empty folders to the school (which are given to them at the beginning of the year).
  • A superbly planned learning system that connects teaching, writing, testing and feedback: Our learning system is designed to ensure that every period, subject and class is well-planned, well-taught and well-evaluated. Our teachers teach with well-defined, updated and engaging content. Our students write on attractive and easy-to-use worksheets. Our tests are conducted online or offline with instant results and feedback. Our feedback is also shared with the parents through email and our app.
Classroom tests
Classroom test
  • No stress of packing a bag: Our students do not have to worry about packing a bag every evening for the next day. They only have to take home the necessary materials that they have used or learned during the day. These worksheets are then filed in their folders at home, creating their very own notebooks at home. They can also access their digital textbooks and notebooks anytime through email and our app.
  • Subject-wise classrooms that enhance mobility, refreshment and neuroplasticity: Our students do not have to sit in one classroom for the whole day. They move to different classrooms for different subjects, each with its own theme, ambience and equipment. This enhances their mobility, refreshes their mind and stimulates neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the process of creating new neural connections in the brain that help to absorb and retain information.
Subject-wise classrooms
Subject-wise classrooms
  • Teachers who walk around the class and provide micro-remedial action on the spot: Our teachers do not have to deal with any obstacles or distractions in the classroom. They can move around freely and monitor, guide and correct the students on the spot. This provides micro-remedial action that helps the students to learn from their mistakes and improve their performance.
micro-remedial action
micro-remedial action
  • AI deployed in evaluating what has been written and feedback given to parents: We use artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate what our students have written on their worksheets and tests. This helps us to provide accurate, consistent and timely feedback to the students and the parents. It also helps us to collect and analyze data to work on differential learning for core subjects.
  • Multiple events organized due to excellent planning that enhance the personalities of students: We organize various events throughout the year that enrich our students’ learning experience and enhance their personalities. These include cultural festivals, competitions, field trips, exhibitions, seminars and more. These events help our students to develop their skills, talents, interests and values – thus playing a large role in shaping their personality.
  • Hassle-free for parents as they don’t have to buy activity material at the last moment: Our parents do not have to worry about buying any activity material for their children at the last moment. We provide students with everything they need for their projects, experiments, crafts and more. 
  • Parents can monitor what was taught daily by looking at the checked sheets sent home: Our parents can keep track of what their children have learned daily by looking at the checked sheets sent home. These sheets show what topics were covered, what questions were asked, what answers were given and what feedback was provided. In case students miss school, all the material is still available via the app and email, making it very convenient for parents.

Click here to contact us today and enroll your child in Walnut School Pune.

Eliminating school bags does not hinder learning but rather enhances it

As you can see, eliminating school bags does not hinder learning but rather enhances it. Our no school bag policy is not just a gimmick or a trend. It is a well-researched and well-implemented strategy that benefits our students in many ways.

By getting rid of the school bag, we free our students from unnecessary burden, stress and pressure. We enable them to learn better, enjoy more and grow smarter.

Enroll now!

If you are looking for a school that offers no school bag policy along with a world-class education for your child, look no further than Walnut School Pune.

Contact us today!

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