Walnut School

Systematic and intensive planning forms the core of all Walnut school activities. It starts with the Academic year planning itself. At Walnut, this is led by Dr. Arpita herself and involves allocating dates for exams as well as events right at the beginning itself.

A balanced approach to learning.

Most schools have an unbalanced approach to learning, with a greater emphasis on academics than on sports and other activities. As a result, they have developed a curriculum that is partial towards academic subjects, such as math, science, and language arts, while neglecting sports and other physical activities. This approach leads to a lopsided education that does not fully prepare students for success in all aspects of life.

Such a situation can never occur at Walnut! Our secret sauce is the timetable, in which all the activities and academics are arranged in such a way that every day that the child attends school, there is progress!


The school provides a well-rounded curriculum that allows students to engage in physical activity, creative pursuits, and academic learning on a daily basis. Everything for every period is properly planned and the core periods and activities are spaced out over the day too.

No hijacking of sports or activity periods!

Planned learning ensures that the teachers do not have to rush through any topic for completing the portion. This also guarantees that no activity period ever gets hijacked for any reason other than the planned activity! Students always get a packed and lively day full  of academics as well as activities. So much so that they do not wish to miss school even for a day!

Stress free examinations

Even with all the activities and events that take place at Walnut (and we do have a LOT of those!) we are never behind on our academics 🙂

We even have a week of revision and practice specifically set aside before each of our four formal exams, to help our students go from learning mode to testing mode. This makes them comfortable with the idea of exams and helps them stay stress free during the time.

For that matter, Walnut students are relaxed even in the most critical school year – the 10th Standard. They play sports, do activities, don’t go for extra classes and do very well.

When you join the Walnut Family, you will realize that there are many things like this which work together to make our students stand out of the crowd, while making it a hassle free experience for you as parents.