The term result on 28th November was also the Art Day display at Walnut. Students brought in their paintings, sketches, photography work, craft work, sculptures and so many other things. It was really a fantastic and colourful display!
There were pieces that the students had done at home. There were also samples of group activities and individual activities done in school. It was wonderful to see such creative expression in our students.
In this day and age, where everything is getting standardized, there is very little scope for uniqueness and individual expression to develop and flourish. We were happy to see that Walnut students have no such inhibition!
We hope that the students continue to express themselves in all possible ways and that the parents encourage them too.
Over the years in school all these qualities will be worked on and nurtured. As the students pass out from the tenth grade, we will see well rounded individuals. Each event like this is a brick in that strong personality that is being built!