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An "Out of this World" class!

The tiny tots at Baby Walnut, always amaze us with their enthusiasm and their ability to stand up to any challenge. As part of their ‘My World’ curriculum, the students of Sr. Kg. were taught about the Solar System. They were fascinated by the topic and soon became totally engrossed in it. They loved to learn about the various planets, sun and moon that are part of the sky that we see.   

With the aim of making the topic more fun for the students, they were assigned the task of explaining what they had learnt about the solar system on their own. They were given the freedom to do this in any way they wanted.

Boy! Did they rise to the challenge! Soon the Google classrooms were flooded with all things related to the Solar system! There were drawings drawn by the students, photographs and even videos of students talking about the sun and the planets.

Each effort a masterpiece in its own right! Going through all these brought a smile to the faces of the teachers.

  For them, this is the true reward of a job well done, and a concept well taught!


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